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Having helped launch Germany's first and largest crowdfunded news network, Krautreporter, Frederik Fisher is no stranger to innovation. In this alumni…
11-12. maj afholdes det 28. Byarkæologiske Møde i Ribe under overskriften: Byernes netværk. Mødet afholdes af UrbNet og Sydvestjyske Museer.
Det kan være overraskende, hvor meget man rent faktisk kan bruge nogle godt 1300 år gamle takker fra et hjortegevir til. Men på Aarhus Universitet kan…
Fundet af hjortetakker i Ribe, giver historien om vikingerne en anden begyndelse.
Several researchers at CITPI have been involved in the rethinking project management research stream, and it now pays off.
IMC is getting its own movie club. The first movie event will be on Thursday afternoon when Katrin Heimann shows "The Five Obstacles" by Jørgen Leth…
Walrus-tusk ivory and walrus-hide rope were highly desired goods in Viking Age north-west Europe. New finds of walrus bone and ivory in early Viking…
New study changes our understanding of how and where the Viking age began.
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience, beginning Fall…
Katharina Frick, alumna of the Hamburg specialism, is one of five young journalists from around the world who has been commissioned to write about the…
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