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I just came back from a one-week stay at Lebanese American University and I am still high from the experience. My visit took place as part of MD Lab,…
By former UrbNet Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow Emanuele E. Intagliata.
Contribution to the debate on gender equality published in Berlingske. By Ida Vogel, Christine Parsons and Kamille Smidt Rasmussen, Aarhus University
Proficiency in English is both widespread and high-level in the Nordic countries, and there are legitimate historical and socio-political reasons for…
New publication by Professor Achim Lichtenberger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) and Centre Director Professor Rubina Raja.
The Archaeological Film Award of the International Archaeological Film Festival AGON was this year given to the documentary 'The 1001 Faces of…
Romerriget står som selve arketypen på et imperium. Men hvordan skal man forstå vejen fra en mindre by blandt mange byer i Italien til det kolossale…
Gajus Julius Cæsar regerede kun kort, men er nærmest synonym med det romerske imperium. Arkæolog Jan Kindberg Jacobsen fortæller om manden, der slog…
The Swedish sports movement has gained a strong political presence in recent years, notably to do with migrants’ integration. Sport has been touted as…
A feature on the excavations at Caesar’s Forum has just been published in Current World Archaeology.
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