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A joint Danish meeting focusing on common standards for the technical framework and governance for IoT and smart cities and communities took place in…
New face at IMC
Raphaëlle Bats, from the #LyonTeam, gave a lecture about Placed in the 2019 IFLA Congress and General Assembly. The title of the lecture was: “Have…
The Danish theatre actress Asta Sophie Amalie Nielsen became a silent screen world star overnight after her leading role in the silent movie Afgrunden…
Introduction of Eva Mortensen (research administrator).
Margrete Lodahl Rolighed just joined our team as the new student assistant at the Centre for Digital Transformation of Cities and Communities
Kunstig intelligens finder to nye skjulte mulige vikingeborge.
Last month, the Erasmus Mundus Journalism team found out that the MA programme has secured EU funding for the next 5 years, here are the details.
Kjeld Abell is one of the most prominent and innovative Danish playwrights in the 20th century. In his early plays he satirises the narrow,…
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