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New publication by Richard Gordon (Universität Erfurt), Achim Lichtenberger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) & Professor Rubina Raja…
Arkæolog Felix Riede er udnævnt til professor MSO i miljøhumaniora med særlig fokus på fortidens klima og ekstreme hændelser.
Det spørgsmål skal et nyt forskningsprojekt blandt andet søge at besvare. Med en stor millionbevilling i ryggen på knap ti millioner kroner fra Norges…
After an intense day of presentations, comments and vivid discussions, Mundusians wrapped up the first Erasmus Mundus Journalism Research Workshop at…
Art as social process: Experiences of self and literary fiction in Shared Reading groups for vulnerable youth in Denmark
We are happy to announce that the abstract the PLACED team submitted for the QQML Conference (Quantitative and Qualitative Method in Library Science)…
A new study suggests the Battle of Clontarf was fought primarily between the Irish and Vikings, rather than between rival Irish factions.
The 3 most prevailing dilemmas discussed at workshop on Digital Research Dilemmas.
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