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It is not safe to hand over all controll to machines. Before we do so, there is challenges we need to solve. Read the commentary [in Danish].
Interview med Rubina Raja: Efter at de sidste ISIS-krigere er fordrevet fra den irakiske by Mosul, viser droneoptagelser ufattelige ødelæggelser af…
Article published in the Journal Autism
Artikel i det portugisiske tidsskrift Publico over et foredrag af Professor Bjørn Poulsen, om torskehandel i middelalderen.
New UrbNet postdoc.
By PhD student Ema Bauzyte and Assistant Professor Federica Sulas.
New publication by Rubina Raja.
New publications by Signe Krag.
Christian Jørgensen has taken up a position as research assistant, starting 19 June 2017.
Arkæologer har fundet en træstump, der peger på, at Danmarks femte vikingeborg er fra Harald Blåtands tid.
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