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The Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) and the School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, invite applications for an associate…
Conference summary by Research assistants Olympia Bobou, Rikke R. Thomsen, and Jesper V. Jensen.
New publication by Assistant professor Thomas Birch, former Postdoc Vana Orfanou, Achim Lichtenberger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster),…
Evert Taube, Swedish ballad singer, composer, author and artist, made his greatest impact as a ballad composer and balladeer, enriching his work with…
"Conversations on Human Security" by Sarah Jane Cooper-Knock
Povel Karl Henric Ramel was a Swedish singer, pianist, revue creator, author, composer, and comedian famous for his playful style, intelligent lyrics,…
About her research and her exhibition "Ars Memoria – Memes for Imagination" at Kunsthal Aarhus
DITCOM co-organised a two-day track about IoT for Smart Cities and Communities at this year's IoT Week together with Open & Agile Smart Cities,…
Marc Andersen has contributed to the book series "Tænkepauser" and written about Play. The book is published by Aarhus University Press
There have been drastic changes to the political and economic climate since the inception of the Nordic welfare states in the twentieth century.…
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