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Pierre du Plessis has received 1,376,500 DKK for his research project "Enacting Contested Landscapes: Dwelling, Conservation, and Prospecting in the…
Seminar on the Anthropocene and German idealism.
Realizzati in collaborazione con l'Accademia di Danimarca, sono posizionati sulla recinzione dell’area interessata e raccontano la storia di questo…
Digital platforms must be held democratically responsible, the media must actively fight disinformation, and politicians must be transparent about…
Meet Lisa Urlbauer, a current Mundus Journalism student in Amsterdam who recently finished an internship in the US with the Solutions Journalism…
Digital technologies are an important tool for handling large data sets as well as systematising and locating patterns in qualitative source material.…
Assistant Professor Thomas Birch is part of an international project that has received funding from The Arts and Humanities Research Council to study…
Arkæologerne graver i Alessandrino-kvarterets gamle kælderstrukturer. Her har de fundet romerske teglsten med stempler, der kan fortælle af hvem og…
Anders Albrechtslund discusses the limitations of surveillance cameras for loss prevention.
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