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A team from Urbnet is in Zanzibar this month, excavating at the site of Unguja Ukuu. Excavations are part of Urbnet’s collaboration with the…
Poet Gunnar Björling flouted conventional grammar and syntax rules and is recognised as a radical, modernist in Sweden.
On Thursday 7 November 2019 at 14.00-16.30 CFI will host a seminar about the role of the internet and social media in the Danish general election in…
Debate - The Danish Government’s plan to make further budget cuts to the humanities and the social sciences is debated in a recent article by…
Alix Ducros and Aurélien Tabard, researchers from the #LyonTeam, and Clemens Klokmose, from the #Aarhus team, have published an article about Ébauche,…
Mundus Alumnus Felix Irmer presented his ongoing research on data journalism at the 11th Global Investigative Journalism Conference. In this report,…
Paola Pollmeier, business development and smart city strategist, came by Aarhus University and presented some of her learnings from working as an…
Studio-Based Learning (SBL) is an educational tradition with a student-centered approach. The practice originates in Northern Europe, where Nordic…
New publication by Professor Rubina Raja and Professor Achim Lichtenberger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) about the first geophysical…
Aarhusiansk professor sagde ja til at hjælpe Jim Lyngvild med hans nye bog på trods af sin kritik af designerens og Nationalmuseets vikingeudstilling.
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