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Since the interwar years, foreign observers have regularly portrayed the Nordic countries as well functioning states, successful in solving crises,…
New publication by Michael Blömer (former assistant professor at UrbNet).
Rina Vijayasundaram is joining the Centre for Digital Transformation in Cities and Communities as research assistant
By Leonardo Gregoratti, Durham University.
Given the striking similarity of the Nordic societies, it is interesting to note how differently some of them have reacted to the current covid-19…
New publication by Professor and Centre Director Rubina Raja and Professor Achim Lichtenberger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster).
New publication by Professor and Centre Director Rubina Raja.
New publication by Professor and Centre director Rubina Raja, Valentino Gasparini (University of Madrid), Maik Patzelt (University of Osnabrück),…
As an inspiration for families researchers from the CollaboLearn project at IMC share some prototype acitvities. The method is developed for autistic…
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