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Resultater af og erfaringer med læsegrupper baseret på guidet fælleslæsning henvendt til borgere med svækket mental sundhed. Projekt støttet af Region…
I 1944 udgav den berømte finsk-svenske romanforfatter Sally Salminen ’Kommer far hjem til jul?’ som en novelle i magasinet Juleroser.…
In 1944, 'Juleroser' ('Christmas Roses') magazine published the renowned Finland-Swedish novelist Sally Salminen's short story 'Kommer…
Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) invites applications for 4 PhD fellowships (starting date: 1 September 2021) on themes relating to urban…
On the 27th of October 2020, Timothy R. Tangherlini and Lev Manovich gave two talks at the Cultural Analytics seminar. The recordings are now…
Associate Professor Tom Brughmans receives International Network Programme grant from The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education.
Research funded by IMC Seed Funding published in Nature Human Behaviour
Supercomputere, som giver forskere og videnskabsfolk adgang til at lave beregninger og modeller, har hidtil været utilgængelige for de fleste. Nu…
Since applications just opened, we asked Mundusians why they chose to apply to Mundus Journalism and what made this programme stand out among others -…
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